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An Invitation
So often, like Eve, I am tempted to question, "Did He really say?" And "Is He still good and with my best in mind?" Doubt settles in and...
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Seeing the Face of God
For the past 32 years of my life I have mistook blessing and abundance, or lack thereof, as a gauge for how God felt about me. If life...
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Let your light shine!
When God pressed on my heart the call to fight human sex trafficking I was terrified! Terrified of everything I felt disqualified me....
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Take the World But Give Me Jesus
"Take the world but give me Jesus." We sing these words with hands held high. We hum along in our day to day life. But when it actually...
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The Breaking
The past few years I have felt beat down. Like, REALLY beat down. So much so I wasn't sure I could keep going. Inevitably the sun began...
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Did you come for me?
"Did you come for me?" Except for the occasional beep of hospital machines and hum of the AC, the room was silent. Yet, somewhere in the...
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Beautifully Broken
I used to think I knew what breaking met. I thought I was ready to be shattered and broken before Jesus so His glory could shine through...
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Prison Cells
I felt my anxiety rising as I hung up the phone. Had I really just quit my job to become a stay-at-home mom, again? I had just got this...
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Get on the Bike
This summer I watched my six-year-old son ride around on his bike with one training wheel. Yes, you read that right, one training wheel....
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Do you Want to be Healed?
I dropped my keys off on our dining room table and rushed up the stars into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me with warning cries to...
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Tearing Down Fences
Before we purchased our home we immediately fell in love with the big double lot. We knew we wanted a family, so like many, having a big...
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What Our Fear is Really Hiding
His demeaner was rushed. Thunderclaps of anger boomed from his little chest as he demanded his way, RIGHT. NOW. It was clear my sweet boy...
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He is Our Good
Do you ever feel like you are drowning in your current circumstances? As if the weight of the daily torrent of needs around you, coupled...
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Have No Fear! Daddy is Here!
As the leaves begin to change and the air cools, my mind is taken back to the camping trip my husband and I took our two boys on last...
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Laying Down Your Last 2%
“So, I encourage you today, call a trusted friend. Don’t hide in the dark alone anymore. Say the last two percent, the things you don’t...
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The Sun Will Shine Again
I don’t know if it’s the 70-degree weather all week talking, or maybe the extra vitamin D, but I couldn't help but find myself with a bit...
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Life Lessons from the Book of Judges
Last week I landed in the book of Judges reading the story of Gideon. I decided it had been a long time since I read the entirety so why...
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“Jireh – you are enough." These lyrics have been pulsating through my subconscious for a few weeks now. As I rise in the morning, I find...
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Not Forgotten
I remember one summer when I was 16, I went to the beach with dear friends of mine. The weather was moody and grey all week. But finally,...
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Even When My Heart Fails
My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is my portion forever. Psalms 73:26...
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