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A Wretch Redeemed - Guest Blog by Natalie
What I am going to talk about is hard. It’s not easy to read. It’s messy and painful. But this has been a testimony of mine in the making...
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Prison Cells
I felt my anxiety rising as I hung up the phone. Had I really just quit my job to become a stay-at-home mom, again? I had just got this...
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Tearing Down Fences
Before we purchased our home we immediately fell in love with the big double lot. We knew we wanted a family, so like many, having a big...
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He is Our Good
Do you ever feel like you are drowning in your current circumstances? As if the weight of the daily torrent of needs around you, coupled...
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The Mom God Called Me to Be
“Strong-willed”. That’s the word we used for a while. Attributing his red hair and big personality to the often larger than life emotions...
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“Jireh – you are enough." These lyrics have been pulsating through my subconscious for a few weeks now. As I rise in the morning, I find...
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Even When My Heart Fails
My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is my portion forever. Psalms 73:26...
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Faith Over Fear
I sank to the cold kitchen floor and buried my head in my hands as tears ran down my face. "I will praise you! I will CHOOSE to praise...
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Do it Broken
I don't think there is a special place we have to go to meet with God, he is always with us. But if there was a sacred place, a corner of...
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She Did Whatttt!?
"You are taking rejection that simply isn't there." The words landed in my spirit and rested there a moment as my conscious brain...
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I've never really been a wild-eyed dreamer. Determined and independent yes, but as a child I never spent my days dreaming of becoming a...
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There will be Victory
It’s the thick of war, mid 1800’s. Surrounded by the harsh winter conditions, I find myself warming my forever cold body by the crackling...
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A Great Woman of God
"What holds you back from wholeheartedly believing you are a great woman of God?" I was recently challenged with this question while...
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Skateboards and Jesus
Tears leaked out of the corners of my eyes as I sat on the edge of the bed. I silently cried out to God, “No one told me it would be this...
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On My Worst Day
Picture this, kid mid melt-down over your, "no", when he wanted a "yes". Dinner burning on the stove, phone ringing, emails calling, your...
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In the Master's Hands
I have always loved history! Romanticizing the times and places gone by. Forget no running water and poor hygiene, how lovely to have...
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Life's Little Lessons
"Why do you look so sad buddy?" My little bubbly boy, now unusually quiet, looked out the window and murmured, "I'm sad because I peed my...
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Just a Mom
"And what do you do?" Her words hung in the air as I contemplated how best to answer. I wanted to give her a long list of my daily...
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Finding Hope
Shortly after my youngest was born, I discovered I had an umbilical hernia that required surgery. Besides having my wisdom teeth removed,...
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Do you trust me?
"GIVE ME MY ROCK!!" I hear the screams before I round the corner to see my oldest demanding his latest scavenged find from his brothers’...
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