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There will be Victory

Writer's picture: Emily KarcEmily Karc

It’s the thick of war, mid 1800’s. Surrounded by the harsh winter conditions, I find myself warming my forever cold body by the crackling fire. Scarfing down my rations. Mid spoonful I hear the command, “get your gear, it's time for the next battle”. I try to hide the tears that fall down my face, mixing in with the mud and blood of war. The last battle seeming to end only moments before the next. Blanketed by night, I am not sure if any of our advances have made a difference. Defeated. Exhausted. These words don't even come to close to describing the weight of doom I feel on me as I will my feet to move back on to the battle field. Just tell me it's over! When will it finally be over?

Now of course, I've never actually been to war in the 1800's. But this is often how I feel doing life as an adult. Constantly going up against the enemy and feeling so discouraged every time I face the same scrimmage. Again, and again I run onto the battle field, wielding my weapons well, and yet seem to make little to no advancement. In what feels like an upwards battle, I wonder if I will ever see the mountain top and plant my victory flag there.

Last week, as I dealt with yet another rampage of fits and power struggles, I kept feeling the Holy Spirit breath on my heart two words, breakthrough and victory. I wanted to claim it and believe it. And as much as I tried, I still continued to wear the stains of war reminding me of the next impending battle.

And as if on cue, the war cry sounded. I hung my head, and let out a long weary and defeated sigh. And in that moment, I realized that I did this sigh often. While seemingly harmless, what I was actually doing was setting off a signal flare to the enemy letting him know my exact position and weakened state. My heart began to perk up as it dawned on me how easily I had let defeat own me. I was saying all the right things, praying them to boot. But living victoriously? No. And I was waving the white flag with my face and demeaner the whole time.

Right then and there I wielded my sword. With truth as my weapon I boldly declared. "No! Not today! I stand in victory! And I WILL have victory!!”

And as I marched off to battle, it's as if the haze of war started to fade and rays of sun started to break over the horizon. Yes! Yes! I could see it. In all those small and draining battles, I had made advancements. There was just one left. One big battle and I would see the other side. I could hear my champion, my King, louder now, echoing off the mountains. "There will be breakthrough! Victory in my Name! Just one more battle. I have one more battle for you and we win!"

Breakthrough! Victory! The words pulse through my veins. I charge the battle lines no longer weighed down by fear and defeat. But confident in the promise that’s been given me and the one who fights next to me.

Sweet sister, I don’t know what battle you face today. I don’t know what feels so heavy on your heart you are not sure you can face another day, much less get out of bed. But this I do know; we are guaranteed victory! Promised peace and strength in the battle. God did not allow you to enter this exact season to forget about you. You are here on purpose, for a purpose. He did not drop you into this battle to stumble and fall, but instead to rise above, declaring his goodness. And as a daughter of the King, reign victorious over life’s broken circumstances.

God did not make us to be weak and weary women, weighed down by the ebb and flow of life. He created us magnificent! And enables us with supernatural strength to defeat the enemy and overcome any struggle by the blood of His Son and the word of our testimony. Declaring His truths even when our knees shake. For we are more than conquerors through Him in Christ Jesus. And we can know this, we will never, ever, fight alone! Take courage! He has already overcome the world. The battle, your battle, He sees the victory. Run with Him after it! Its already yours!

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